As some of you know, I worked for the Bush Administration during my time in Washington. I will let you interpret my political leanings from that bit of information. The current President and myself do not see eye-to-eye on, let's be honest, anything. Until now.
It would seem that POTUS loves him some pie. A senior White House adviser has reported that it is the President's weakness. I'm right there with you, buddy. I love pie so much that I dedicated an entire room to the delicious dessert at my wedding in November.

Pie unites us all in peace and harmony. Okay, maybe not. But at least it unites us in yummy noises and calories.

Maybe the world will be right again. All we need is pie. Preferably pie from The Pantry in McKinney, TX.
Whole songs have been written about pies. My mom reminded me of Andie McDowell's tribute from the movie Michael. My favorite is from the film, Waitress with Kerri Russell. I will sing my little ones to sleep with this song of "strawberry love" one day.
Amen to your endearing comments about PIE! Andie McDowell even sang about pie in a 1996 movie with John Travolta. Who can name that movie?
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