Even though the Hubs and I have only lived in Middle Earth for six months some very lovely ladies hosted a baby shower for us. It was beautiful and humbling and there were cake balls. Ohhh the cake balls... Is there anything better than cake shaped into ball-form and then dipped into white chocolate? I submit that there is not- hence, I ate many of them.

The best part of having a little girl is all of the adorable clothes that people can't help but give to her. It is a slippery and dangerously cute slope that my mom, mother-in-law and I have been going down head first. All the better for baby A to poop and vomit on, right? It will be precious, I'm sure.

Besides wee little onesies and cake balls there were fun friends and Oreo pops. They were such a fun idea and were paired perfectly with an over-sized MacKenzie-Childs charger. Thank you, Alison!

You might notice that there are quite a few pregos in this picture. That is because there are a TON of girls pregnant in Midland right now. My hostesses were so generous with their time and talents that it was a pleasure to give them their hostess gifts. I fell in love with these cool little finger bowls from Anthropologie (where else?). My favorite part was how they looked like little nests when they were all wrapped up. Thank you, ladies!

After the shower mom and I headed back to the house to organize all of the baby swag in the nursery. My talented auntie gave me Baby A's bedding - what do y'all think? Some of you have requested nursery updates so here you go!

There have actually been some improvements made since these photos were taken that I will share next week once they are complete. Let's just say that she now has functioning closet doors! I will include a tutorial on how to install said doors and expand a doorway.
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