The little sparrow's (we've taken to referring to her as a bird since she flutters around most of the day in my ever-growing belly) nursery is coming along. We've tackled most of the major components but like most things around the house there is always more to do.
Here is the list of remaining tasks to accomplish in the nursery/house prior to her arrival in *gulp* 10 weeks:
- paint and hang her closet doors
- buy and hang a wide shelf over the changing table
- replace the windows ($$$)
- replace the broken mirrored drawer on the night stand
- mattress for the crib
- bedding for said crib (sweet Aunt J is making our custom bedding!)
- baby-proof
That's about it. Not too bad, there is a laundry list of other misc. projects to accomplish around the house but none of them have to necessarily be accomplished prior to the Bird's landing in our nest. See what I did there? Bird...nest...landing...dorky mom?

Again, sorry for the photo quality (taken with my phone, dar). Lauren needs a new camera...
So, I see an "A" on the table?!?! Does this mean we have a name decision and you're just not telling or do you just like the letter A? Just curious because I hadn't heard you mention it!
Ha! We do have a name and it does start with the letter "A," but you will have to wait a few more weeks for the big reveal!
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