After purchasing a pair of cute sconces from Ikea a couple of years back I had the issue of them looking less than stellar due to the wonky-dangling cord. See exhibit A:
They were never hung in the loft but found a home in our new master bedroom. We have been living with their shabbiness until just recently when I found the most wonderful product at Lowe's. It is a plastic cover that snaps over the cord and has sticky tape on the back. Here is all you need to get the job done: a level and a cord cover. They run about $5 each and are the best thing since Father of the Bride.
Look how much better! Eventually (maybe never) I will paint the cord covers to match the walls. Seamless.
Have any of you ever tried your hand at pseudo-electrical work? It doesn't sound safe at all. The word "sconce" sounds like "scones" to me. I could really go for a orange cranberry scone from Caribou Coffee now.
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