Free! Could there ever be a better word? I submit that there could not. When working on the Dorfflette's nursery it occurred to me that she needs some fanciful art on the walls to launch her imagination. Lucky for us I had torn apart a fabulous Anthropologie catalog this past Christmas, well before I knew that I was pregnant.
All that was left to do was get some uniform and inexpensive frames and creative matting. Off to Ikea and Hobby Lobby! To the EnDorff-Mobile.
Here are our supplies.
- Ikea Frames: $1.99 ea x 6
- Scrapbook Paper: $.44 ea x 6
- Art: FREE!
I envision our little papaya creating story lines and personalities for each of these adorably accessorized animals. Nothing like an inexpensive original to inspire your nursery decor and your baby.
1 comment:
Great idea... and animals are always cute! Gender neutral too so they may have a future in a playroom someday with all the little Dorffs sharing their stories!
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