Tuesday: The Gibson- a speak easy of sassy proprtions followed by jumbo slice from Manny and Olga's.

Wednesday: Marvin- cool beer garden and would give my left hand for them, fried chicken and waffles ( I know what your thinking, why not the right hand? Well, I'm right handed and it would be super inconvenient to try to learn how to write with my left.)
Thursday: Chey Chey's Ice Cream- they aren't fooling me. Just because they took down the Maggie Moos sign and put up a piece of paper with a made up name does not make them cool but the amazing ice cream does! See how excited Amanda is?

Friday: BBQ at the neighbors. It isn't a 14th Street restaurant but it is the best food on 13th Street.
Saturday: Mid City Cafe- we covered this on Saturday.

We then checked out all the cool resale shops, you can always find cool furniture and just general junk.

After all the walking around we were ready for growns up lemonade at St. Ex. It is a cool neighborhood bar with a sweet vintage aviation theme.

Next, was more window shopping at the new vintage clothing store, Treasury and cool kid Rue 14.

- Post From My iPhone
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