Monday, January 25, 2010
Photos by Misty
Alta Moda Photography in McKinney is the best. Misty was so fun and easy to shoot with. Please enjoy!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Wedding Day, Part Deux

My sweet sis-in-law, K8, took the charge of taking me and the various parts of my dress to the church. Due to the unexpected delay, caused by dirty-stank hair, I was running a bit behind. No stress, though. We were in a stress-free, fun-filled zone. I decided long before the wedding that I wouldn't let anything get me down on the big day. Nothing. So we rolled with it and when Nikki was finished working her magic K8 carted me off to the church.
K8 is one of the most amazing women that I know and I feel more than honoured to now share a last name with her. The hotel staff was wonderful on our way out and made sure to delay me until BF made his departure.
I was so excited that it was finally time to be at the church that I had not even realized or cared that I had not seen any of the flowers or decorations there. I was scooted off to the Bridal Room, which was adorable and so smartly laid out. (right off of the entryway adjacent to the doors of the sanctuary - no schlubbing through the basement for us!)
The girls helped me in more ways than one: B ran the music, K8 managed the veil and applied my deodorant (what a trooper), KT helped me into my shoes, L and R got me in the dress and everyone helped me count off on my last minute push-ups. Thank you, CrossFit!

Went to the Chapel, and it was Great

The day started with me waking up with one of my best friends, Brittany, in a super swank suite at the Stoneleigh Hotel. We dragged ourselves out of bed and headed down the road to get our nails did with the rest of the bridal party. Heaven. That is the only word to describe being surrounded by all of your best friends while getting your feet and hands worked on. Not to mention the fact that my amazing sis-in-law brought all of the components for mimosas. Nothing like starting your day off with a little bubbly.

The reception space was a breeze to decorate and actually needed very little in the way of adornment. It was the original home of the owner of the hotel in the early 1900s and looked and felt like a house. A house decorated by Dorthy Draper, no less. So we kept the flowers pretty light and just accentuated the beauty of the space. Easy enough, right?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hooray for Love
BF and I are blessed to have the most amazing family. I'm sure your family is wonderful but our clan is perfect for us. Give them a hug, why don't you? People like hugs, sometimes strangers don't. Freaks them out. Just ask first.

Notice the flowy dresses (Anthropologie), Wranglers, hats, and boots. But it is Dallas, after all, so the standard blazer and button-down for guys is always accepted. They were wearing boots, I assure you. And before you ask, these are our gorgeous and amazing friends. The pretty lady and feller in the blue plaid are taken but the other two are available ladies.
Food: El Chico Tex-Mex, yum
But it was so much more than just the food and location. My new mother-in-law inlisted my super creative and genius brother to create a few personalized touches throughout the museum. Starting with Mexican Movie-Themed posters starring BF and your's truly. The wedding party was listed as cast members and it was a total surprise. Super cool. Wait, there is more!

You may remember my previous posts that referred to the Old 97's and the lead singer Rhett Miller. Well some how, still not quite sure how, my brother was able to get him to sing a song to us and recorded it and played it at the rehearsal. Our pants went crazy, we nearly fainted, we sang along and then screamed with the sheer joy of it. Here it is, enjoy!
We hope that everyone had a great time. We sure did. Stay tuned for the wedding run down. There will be pie...

Back from the Wherever

- Bro and Sis-in-Law are fixing to bring a wee one into the world. Wahoo!
- October and November were spent planning and executing my wedding to BF. Oh yeah, I'm married. For realsies.
- December was a whirlwind of honeymoon fun, 9 year high school reunions (not kidding), Christmas and birthdays.
- January saw my folks and I make a 24 hour road trip from Dallas to Washington, DC, skiing in PA, catching up with the coolest people in DC and enjoying being newly weds in our own apartment.
- Next up, WE'RE MOVING! The big reveal will have to wait a few days. Until then enjoy the slow catch up from our wedding, honeymoon and the holidays.