Monday, August 3, 2009

The Multiplier

Last week I told you all (all three of you, that is) about Crossfit and my obsession with the intense workout. The BF has been working on recruiting others to our new way of life fitness in the form of our friends in Dallas. Now these are all very fit boys to begin with but we like talking Xfit and it makes us seem less crazy if the people we are talking to have an idea of what it is.

BF started an email chain with our friends telling them that I did Friday's workout, "Nicole."

The workout was to complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters (quarter mile or once around the track)
Max rep Pull-ups

I completed 5 rounds with 40 pull-ups. Not stellar but not bad. BF informed the boys of my results and the banter began. Our buddy Ace came up with the challenge, The Lauren Multiplier. For every Crossfit workout I have to post my time, rounds or reps and if whom ever doesn't beat me has to do the entire workout all over again. This is very entertaining. We'll see how they do. But as I said they are very fit men to begin with and it is incentive for me to push it that much harder.

Anyone else up for the Lauren Multiplier? Today is a rest today but yesterday's workout was "J.T."

21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips (we don't have rings at our gym so I doubled the amount and did dips and BF tripled)

BF and I did it together and finished in 25 minutes. Come on, who wants to play with us?

Images Courtesy of


Jason said...

Is that you doing the laid-out iron cross at the top???

Lauren said...

I wish - one day. Check in with me in a couple more months.